
What If There Was A Way To Finally Finish Your Book In The Next 90 Days – Without Having to Write Until 3am or Putting Your Entire Life on Hold?



First Book Finish

First Book Finish

The 12 week, step-by-step, program for creative writers who long to FINALLY get their Best-Selling book written, printed and in the hands of a publisher. Science-backed tools and loving accountability to take you from “stuck” with a partial manuscript to a finished draft in 12 weeks or less.
The 12 week, step-by-step, program for creative writers who long to FINALLY get their Best-Selling book written, printed and in the hands of a publisher. Science-backed tools and loving accountability to take you from “stuck” with a partial manuscript to a finished draft in 12 weeks or less.


Let’s Be Honest…

Writing a book is harder than it looks.

Over 97% of people who say they want to write a book never finish.

If you’re an aspiring novelist, poet, short story or memoir writer... you know how difficult it is to just sit down, and get that first draft done!

You’ve thought about it for months and fallen in love with your outlines. But when it comes time to finally put "butt-in-chair" and write the darn thing, your mind starts racing…

“Maybe I should grab another coffee first…”

“I need to answer that email right now…”

“OH! I should put in a load of laundry while I have time!”

Enough is enough my friend… let’s get focused and write the book that has been trapped inside of you for a lifetime.

If you’re like most writers I talk to,

 there are a few key hang-ups getting in your way.

Which one is the hardest for YOU?


“I can’t focus!”

You’re pulled in so many directions. Distractions and interruptions eat away at your writing time, and there’s Real Life too: kids, elder care, paid work, partner…how the heck do you concentrate long enough to finish the book?


“I’m not good enough!”

You’ve done writing workshops. But you’re still worried about the specific writing dilemmas related to your specific book. Is the structure right? Character arcs working? You sit down to write, have a wee moment of panic... and your mind goes blank.


“It’s hard to stay motivated when it’s just me and my keyboard.”

It can be lonely, the writing life. You’re at your desk alone and have to stay interested and engaged with your book all the way through the drafting, revision, and editing process.

Hello there, Writer! My name is Rhonda Douglas.

I’m a published and award-winning poet and fiction writer. I have my Masters of Fine Arts (MFA) in Creative Writing, and have been a writing mentor for almost a decade -- offering live workshops, one-on-one editorial support and creativity coaching.

Supporting other writers to finish their books brings me pure joy.

My published books are in poetry and short fiction, and I’ve just finished another book of poetry and wrote a historical mystery novel during the pandemic. I’ve served on juries for literary prizes and grants, and I was the Poetry Editor for Arc Poetry, Canada’s National Poetry Magazine. Publishers Weekly said my short stories “bubble with originality and daring.”

I’ve done ALL of the writing workshops and one curious thing I noticed was that – even at the MFA level – a lot of writers in those workshops with me, even the most talented ones, didn’t go on to finish and publish their books.

That’s why I created First Book Finish. It’s a small group coaching program and online course that supports writers to get all the way to the FINISH line in 12 weeks or less.

I’ve now supported hundreds of writers from all over the world and taught them my First Book Finish Framework.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from my MFA in Creative Writing, my years mentoring writers, and my veteran experience in finishing and publishing books as a working single mother... and channeled it all into a 12-week program designed to get writers all the way to The End.

This is the stuff they don’t teach you in writing workshops -- not even in MFA programs!

The end result: a finished first draft of your book, plus the detailed plan on how you’ll revise and publish it -- and the long-lasting increased confidence that comes from mastering your writing mind.

Imagine if you could...

  • Have the satisfaction of that “Real Writer” seal of approval. Once you have your first book out in the world, your “hobby” is suddenly seen as legit to non-writers. When people introduce you, they start to say “She’s the author of [insert your work-in-progress title here!]”
  • Feel the excitement of seeing your book out in the wild. You walk into your local bookstore and there on the “New Releases” table is your book. Or you’re getting sweet notifications from Amazon that multiple people have bought your book today.
  • Experience the pride that comes from living the true writer's life. Imagine finally being able to live up to the promise you made to yourself when you were just a little kid with a flashlight under the bedcovers who couldn’t get enough of a good book. Imagine waking up each day, knowing that your primary task for that day is to be as creative and open-minded as possible… because YOU ARE A WRITER.
  • Enjoy the pleasure of artistic growth and mastery of your craft. You can take pride in and have real affection for your writing and no longer worry about turning out “crappy first drafts” because you know you have the skills needed to turn those drafts into complete works of art. Your growth as an artist and craftsperson re-affirms your connection with other writers.

First Book Finish

The only 12 week, step-by-step, program for creative writers that uses science-backed tools and loving accountability to take you from “stuck” with a partial manuscript to a finished draft in 12 weeks or less, so that you can FINALLY get your Best-Selling book written, printed and in the hands of a publisher.

Let’s be real:

You don’t need another typical writing workshop, with someone telling you to “Show, Don’t Tell” but ironically not even showing how to do that properly.
FIRST BOOK FINISH is the ONLY program of its kind that…
  • Shows you how to fight the very specific and personal fears that are getting in the way of you completing your first draft.
  • Helps you identify the support you need to finish your books and provides the loving accountability to help you get there.
  • Teaches you the sneaky ways that fear and self-doubt manifest themselves in your life and provides proven, science-backed tools to develop long-lasting responses that will sustain you in your writing life for years (and books!) to come.
  • ​Supports you to problem-solve and plan around your specific Real Life realities to make your writing sessions happen, providing the guidance and support you need to craft a regular writing ritual that really works for you.
  • ​Teaches you the classic guiding principles for structuring a book so that the sections of your book will slide into place AND supports you to make a clear plan for revision and publication.


First Book Finish combines the power of an online course with 12 weeks of accountability and dedicated support from an experienced writing mentor in an intimate small-group setting.

When you join today, you’ll get access to…

The First Book Finish Online Course

All the tools you need to successfully complete the first full draft of your book! 4 Modules, 28 lessons plus PDF guides and worksheets, options for how you learn best with video, audio and written transcripts. Lifetime access with free updates every time the online course is revised or improved.

Weekly Group Coaching

12 weeks of small group coaching. Loving accountability, practical guidance and accessible LIVE coaching to encourage, support and inspire you as you gain momentum and track your progress all the way to finally typing “THE END” on the last page of your manuscript. 

Includes weekly accountability check-in and separate LIVE Revision Office Hours via Zoom where you can ask all of the questions specific to you and your book.

Here’s how the program breaks down…

Module 1: Find Focus

How to set yourself up to treat finishing your book like a project. The 6 Phases of a Book, the true nature of drafts (how rough, exactly?), how to handle research and shiny new ideas, how to track progress and finding time to write. Plus, some super-useful tools for getting unstuck (break glass in case of emergency!)

Module 2: The Writer’s Mindset

How to achieve a productive Writer’s Mindset, choose optimal over perfect and finally beat your perfectionist tendencies. How to leave self-doubt and self-sabotage behind and beat writer’s resistance every single time it shows up.

Module 3: Structural Clarity

All the classic structural guidance for narrative, plus a few new contemporary approaches so that you can find the best structural “container” for telling your particular story. Plus: creating compelling characters, how to use backstory, setting and subplots, writing scenes that work.

Module 4: Revision

What great endings look like and how to write one for your book, to know when your first draft is ready and you can move on to revision, and the tools you’ll need to develop your very own personal revision plan – a step-by-step revision method that removes the overwhelm.

Page Boosters

3-live Virtual Events in your own time zone. Writing retreat weekends to boost your page count, gain extra momentum and/or catch up on your writing schedule. Support, inspiration and accountability all weekend long.

Community Writing Time

3 months in The Writer’s Flow Studio. With 7X weekly community writing sessions where other writers are also working on their latest projects. Extra accountability and a network of support, plus live craft talks by Visiting Writers.

Your Personal Publishing Plan

A Masterclass designed to give you absolute clarity about all aspects of both traditional publishing and self-publishing so that you can decide once-and-for-all what’s best for you and your book. 

This Masterclass comes with worksheets so you can get clear on exactly what your next steps are!

Building An Author’s Platform

There’s a lot of talk about building an author’s platform, but what does that mean exactly? How should you approach this so that it doesn’t eat up all of your valuable writing time? I’ve got you covered in this pre-recorded Masterclass that will take the overwhelm out of this important topic.

Exclusive Facebook Group for Support

Build community connection with a supportive group of fellow writers via an Exclusive Private Members-Only Facebook Group. 

Only writers actively trying to finish a book really know what you’re going through. Make writing friends and celebrate your wins together. As your coach, I am available daily in the group to respond to questions so you’re never left alone wondering what to write next.


Hands-On Help for Writers Wanting More Personalized Support

When you upgrade to Tier 2 of First Book Finish

 you get everything listed above, plus access to your own personal writing mentor and EDITORIAL FEEDBACK & support as you complete your book.


With Tier 2, you get my deep engagement with your writing in a way that allows you to understand your strengths and weaknesses and how to address the latter so you can improve your writing that much more quickly. This is for you if you’ve been craving a supportive one-on-one mentorship to support you in your writing life so that you can achieve your goals that much faster.

**This Tier 2 level of the program is more intensive due to the commitment level that you and I both bring to it, and it is only available for a few lucky people because I only have 5 of these Tier 2 spots available in total.**
In Tier 2, in addition to the original First Book Finish program described above, you’ll also have access to these additional supports:
  • Private one-on-one creativity coaching. Every two weeks we’ll meet to review your progress and your mindset, to help you resolve any blocks or obstacles that may arise for you as you write your book.
  • Book Structure Review. We’ll meet privately 1-on-1 and I’ll review the structure of your book with you so that you have expert editorial guidance to know that your book is going to actually work when it’s finished. 
  • Chapter One Review. The opening of your book is critical, especially since it’s the piece agents most often ask to see. I’ll review your first Chapter (or section) and give you a detailed Editorial Note so you’re clear on what’s working well and where you can improve. (And I can tell from Chapter One what might need fixing later on as well!) 
  • Beta Reader Feedback Session. Once you get your feedback from Beta Readers, I will meet with you to help you sort through the feedback and decide which pieces to act on to improve your draft, and which comments you can safely leave behind.
  • ​Full copy edit. Even after a careful revision, typos can slip through the cracks. With Tier 2, when your book is finished, you also get a full copy edit of the manuscript to take care of any typos or grammatical errors that may have occurred along the way. 
  • ​Publishing strategy session. When your book is complete, we’ll do a personalized strategy session about how you should approach publishing, based on your specific book and your writing dreams. I’ll review your Query Letter and synopsis if you’re publishing traditionally, and we’ll walk through the essential self-publishing tasks if that is your preferred publication path.

Who is First Book Finish Tier 2 for?

Tier 2 is for the writer who is looking for a deep level of engagement with an experienced editor and award-winning writer as your personalized mentor.

It’s not for everyone but if you’re the type of writer who prefers to pay to have that extra level of support and mentorship, then I would love to have you apply to be one of just 5 people to get access to me at this personalized one-on-one level.
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

So, what’s the tuition fee?

Here’s the thing: I’ve seen (and taken!) a lot of different writing programs that do a great job on writing craft, but leave you still struggling with your focus and motivation to finish…
Some programs offer book coaching but no solid craft advice, especially the kind of craft advice that you can come back to for the next book and the next.

For one-on-one coaching, you can expect to spend several thousand dollars.

You can take an MFA program, which takes years and really big bucks…mine cost me $25K when it was all said and done!

And some programs charge $3-4K and ask you to spend months just working on one short story, but don’t offer guidance on how to pull a whole book together with a compelling structure that works for your Ideal Reader.

I think you need something far more comprehensive, and so I’ve created First Book Finish precisely for the kind of writer who…
  • Has started her book and is excited about the idea and committed to finally finish within the next few months.
  •  Knows a bit about writing craft, but wants clear and accessible teaching and personalized support on the concepts that matter most when finishing a book-length project. (Hello, structure! Hey, character arcs and sub-plots! Yes please, scene-craft!)
  • Understands that shifting her thinking about her writing – and herself as a writer – is work that will pay off for this book and all her books to come.
  • ​Is able to be supportive and encouraging of other writers, and willing to be the writer who seeks solutions rather than staying focused only on her problems.

for getting started with First Book Finish today…

(Or 6 easy payments of $277)

Intimate Small-Group Coaching to FINISH
  • Lifetime access to the First Book Finish course:
  • 4 Modules, 28 Lessons
  • PDF Guides and Worksheets
  • Video and audio options for how you learn best
  • Exclusive members-only online portal
  • An app for learning on the go with your smartphone
  • 12 Weeks of Small-Group Coaching
  • A Writing Coach Focused on Your Success
  • Live Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Live Weekly Revision Office Hours 
  • Weekly Accountability
  • 3 Page Booster Writing Retreat Events
  • Live supported weekends in your own time zone
  • Get ahead or catch up on your writing schedule
  • 3 months in The Writer’s Flow Studio
  • 7X weekly community writing sessions you can join
  • Live writing craft workshops with Visiting Writers
  • Your Personal Publishing Plan
  • Masterclass with worksheets 
  • Traditional or self-publishing?? Guidance to decide
  • Building an Author’s Platform
  • Masterclass to break it down into simple steps
  • Understand what matters most and your next steps
  • Exclusive Private Facebook Group
  • Supportive community of writers focused on finishing
  • Daily access to a writing mentor – you’re no longer on your own!
  • Accountability and All Your Questions Answered
  • Accountability Partners/Pods
  • Voxer access to a writing mentor so you can reach out as needed
(Or 6 easy payments of $697)

First Book Finish Tier 1
**Plus Extra Personalized One-on-One Guidance to FINISH
(only 5 spots available!)
  •  Lifetime access to the First Book Finish course:
  • 4 Modules, 28 Lessons
  • PDF Guides and Worksheets
  • Video and audio options for how you learn best
  • Exclusive members-only online portal
  • An app for learning on the go with your smartphone
  • 12 Weeks of Small-Group Coaching
  • A Writing Coach Focused on Your Success
  • Live Weekly Coaching Calls
  • Live Weekly Revision Office Hours
  • Weekly Accountability
  • 3 Page Booster Writing Retreat Events
  • Live supported weekends in your own time zone
  • Get ahead or catch up on your writing schedule
  • 3 months in The Writer’s Flow Studio
  • 7X weekly community writing sessions you can join
  • Live writing craft workshops with Visiting Writers
  • Your Personal Publishing Plan
  • Masterclass with worksheets
  • Traditional or self-publishing?? Guidance to decide
  • Building an Author’s Platform
  • Masterclass to break it down into simple steps
  • Understand what matters most and your next steps
  • Exclusive Private Facebook Group
  • Supportive community of writers focused on finishing
  • Daily access to a writing mentor – you’re no longer on your own!
  • Accountability and All Your Questions Answered
  • Accountability Partners/Pods
  • Voxxer access to a writing mentor so you can reach out as neede
  • **One-on-One Coaching Every 2 Weeks, PLUS…
  • Full Review of Your Book Structure
  • Chapter One Review with Editorial Note
  • Beta Reader Feedback Session 
  • Full Copy Edit of your Revised Book. 
  • Publishing Strategy Session, with Query Letter Review
  • Self-Publishing Task Guidance
Accelerator Plus
(or 6 easy monthly payments of $2811)

Coaching + Done-For-You Services
  • Dedicated Launch Coach
  •  6-Months of Coaching + Services
  •  60-Minute Private Jumpstart Call
  •  Monthly 30-minute Call With Launch Coach
  •  Monthly 30-Minute Call With Momentum Coach
  •  Monthly Group Call: Sales & Conversions
  •  Monthly Group Call: Mindset & Reprogramming
  •  Monthly Group Call: Launch Strategy
  •  Monthly Group Call: Team & Operations
  •  Monthly Group Call: Paid Traffic
  •  Monthly Group Call: Copywriting
  •  Private Slack Community For Ongoing Support
  •  Exclusive Members Only Portal
  •  Weekly Implementation & Co-Working Sessions
  •  All Of Our Launch Resources & Templates
  •  Done-For-You Launch Assistant Services
  •  Done-For-You Graphic Design Services
  •  Done-For-You Video Editing Services
  •  Done-For-You Funnel Building Services
  •  Funding Available For US Residents
*We significantly limit numbers into The Accelerator so we can continue to provide the best possible service.
Please provide as much detail as possible when you go to book your call.
And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe
in yourself, here’s my 100% guarantee.
I absolutely 100% guarantee that you will love First Book Finish.

If after the end of Module One, that’s 30 days into the program, you don’t feel that you’re receiving everything you need to help you finish your book, I will happily refund your investment in FULL. 

All you have to do is email by 8:50am EST on Monday, March 27th for a full refund.

Sound fair?

Affordable Long-Term Funding For USA Based Businesses

If you’re a US citizen or resident and you would prefer to pay off your investment in the program gradually, then you can use our third-party funding service.
  • Easy monthly repayments as low as $200
  • Flexible 2-5 year payment plans
  • 0% interest for up to 15 months
  • NO prepayment penalties
  • ​Applying will NOT affect your credit score
Get instant access and make your first repayment 30 days from now. This is your chance to come into the program with little to no risk so you can crush your next promotion and pay off your investment in full.

*We are currently working on providing funding for non-US clients. For now, you can use our flexible, 6-month payment plan.


“It changed my life and it changed my writing life, and also my life generally because it gave me the tools that I needed to create a sustainable, pleasurable writing practice, one that kept me energized and focused. I can't speak the praises of the course highly enough because it gave me what I needed both to finish the project and also lessons that I'll carry forward with me for the rest of my life and for my career.”

– Kirsti Salmi (now MacKenzie)

“It was helpful having a structured program follow. It kept me motivated on my writing, and it just kept me like knowing that I had a weekly date and a weekly schedule to follow. I was very happy with having that feeling of a first draft. I don't usually talk about my writing, but for the first time I've talked about it with my family. I don't feel shy about that anymore because I have a finished product.”

– Ioanna Sahas Martin

Got Q's? We’ve got answers!

 Who is First Book Finish designed for?
This program is ideal for creative writers who want to finish a book, but have struggled to be able to do so on their own. Successful students have written novels, memoirs, as well as short story and poetry collections. There is a strong focus on narrative craft. The program will work for anyone needing mindset and technical craft support as they’re working to finish a book. However, the program is not for people wanting to write a business book, and I don’t offer craft support for playwrights.
When do the live coaching sessions take place? What if I can’t make some of the sessions?
The coaching component of the program is over the 12-week course period. The weekly Live Coaching sessions will happen Monday afternoons at 2pm Eastern (NYC) Time. But you don’t have to worry about missing any, because you can submit questions in advance and then the sessions are recorded so you’ll be able to stream and/or download them (or even re-watch them again!) as you need them.
How many pages do I already have to have written in order to join?
There’s no specific minimum number of pages to qualify, but it will definitely help you really finish in the 12 week course period if you’ve already got a start on your manuscript. It’s okay if your pages are still handwritten notes - that’s why we call it a draft! As a rough guess, if you had about 20-25% of what you estimate the final number of pages in your book to eventually be, then you’d be in good shape to join the program. (We get into the math of this in Module 1, along with the First Book Finish Roadmap for your particular book.) That said, I’ve also had some writers with 0 words written join and finish as well.
I’ve been stuck before. How do I know this will really help me?
I hear you! It’s totally 100% normal to get stuck at a specific spot in your manuscript and then not be able to get over it. This is why I’ve designed the program the way I have -- with a deep dive on the proven, science-backed mindset tools upfront first, so that we can eliminate them once and for all. And not just for this book either; these are tools you can come back to any time you’re feeling stuck in your writing life for years to come. 
 My life is super busy! Do I have to write every single day to make this work? How much time do I really need to invest?
I don’t believe in the lie that “real writers” write every day. It just hasn’t been my experience and I’ve got the published books and a few literary awards to support my fairly strong opinion on this. (So: snap!)

However, with that said of course you’ll need to be writing regularly in order to finish your book over the 12 weeks. That’s why right at the start in Module 1, I will walk you through the First Book Finish Roadmap to help you break down your personal writing project, and we make a plan for how you’re going to find the time you need that is entirely based on your specific Real Life circumstances. Can you find time to write 1-3 times a week? That’s totally doable and inside First Book Finish, I show you how to make it happen.
What if I join, but it doesn’t work for me?
The First Book Finish 30-Day Guarantee has your back. If you join today, you can access the Getting Started section of the course and then dive into Module 1: Finding Focus with your fellow writers as soon as it’s released in Week One. After 30 days, if you aren’t motivated by your personal First Book Finish Roadmap and the loving accountability the program offers, then all you have to do is email and I’ll refund 100% of your full program tuition. You can find the full details on the First Book Finish 30-Day Guarantee here.
How does the online course part work? How long do I have access to it?
When you join the program, you get immediate access to the Getting Started section of the course, and then when the whole group is ready to go we dive into Module 1. In our weekly sessions we talk about one Module at a time together, so that everyone is on the same page. (And I know first-hand how easy it is to skip over things and then regret it later when we get stuck.)
All materials can be downloaded as they are released, and you have lifetime access to the course, so anytime I make updates you get the new versions of everything too.

Okay, my friend… it’s time to finally finish your book!

I know that the past couple of years have probably turned your writing life inside out and upside down.

But this is not the time to numb out with Netflix and spend the rest of 2023 curled up on your couch, hoping that the book fairies will write your book for you.

3 months from now, where will you be and how much of your book will you have written if you continue to struggle through on your own?

Will you still be avoiding your writing sessions, worried that your writing just isn't good enough?

Will you be disappointed, knowing you didn't fully commit to achieving your creative dreams?

This is your opportunity to nix the self-doubt, the fog of uncertainty, and take your writing life and goals into your OWN hands.

If you're seeking permission to really believe that YES! You. Can. Do. This: go ahead and give it to yourself.

I believe you can finish your book in the next 12 weeks -- there's no reward for doing it the hard way, but there is a whole set of practical tools and loving support for you here to help you finish, if that feels right for you.

If you're still reading this, I know you feel a strong call to finally finish your book and create a writing life you love.

When you join First Book Finish, I'll be with you every step of the way and I couldn't be more excited to support you on your journey to a finished book.

All you have to do is say YES! Yes to yourself and your writing goals. Yes to the creative dreams you’ve held inside you for so many years now. Yes to finishing what you start and getting your book out into the hands of the readers who want and need it.

Are you ready? Let’s do this!


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